Tuesday, June 7, 2011

In Burma this time is the darkest, but it is the darkest tima before dawn.

Dear Folks !
Bavatu thaba mingalan !
In Burma this time is the darkest, but it is the darkest time before dawn. For the « prince of darkness » is blind to see that the social-political outlook is darking. Impurity clouds the mind with the darkness of desire.
UNODC Chief in Rangoon Calls the President Havel and Bishop Tutu « Lemmings » ;
« As lemmings we jump in the wide open inviting ocean », JEAN-LUC LEMAHIEU, UN office on Drugs and Crime, Rangoon Office. (USCB, Sept. 29, 2005).
Well, we are taught that « Where frogs are the Croakers, their silence is becoming », LOKANITI, Translation by James Gray (1886).

Darkness of the people is nothing but thirst. Desire is blind to reason ; it does not see  truth as truth. This « greedy » one is to live like a man who keeps a venomous viper in his pouch tucked at his waist ; he cannot sleep soundly, he cannot eat well, he cannot rest easy as he is overcome by constant fear that the viper will bite him at any time. MAHA MANGALA SUTTA.
Echo : « Not in the sky, nor in mid-ocean, nor in entering a mountain cave, is found that place on earth, where abiding one may escape from (the consequences of) an evil deed ». Ignorance is the mother of all evils and it is worse than poverty. Buddhist teaching.
« The pen is mightier than the sword ». « Lofty thoughts » / « Grandes pensées » are stronger than the bullets ! What should be borne firmly in one’s mind is that the press is a power in the land, especially against the powers of darkness.
And so, let’s hope, wish and pray that the Proverb : « Great minds think alike » / « Les grands esprits se rencontrent » may really come true for the people of Burma !
I request your kind indulgence and understanding for the liberty I am taking and sending you these photo captions & text as I want to make you share in my happiness & hope.
« Man lives by  hope ». So do I !
That’s all Folks !
I am yours sincerely,
Aung Ko
(principal male actor in the film, Beyond Rangoon 1995 by John Boorman, dedicated to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the 1991 Nobel Peace Laureate.)
B4 ; Appt.22, Allée Bourvil, La Haye aux Moines, 94000 CRETEIL, FRANCE.
Tel/Fax : + 33 (0) 1 48 99 34 80. E-mail : abaya-teissa@neuf.fr

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